XXIX Conference on sea coasts “CoastConf22" in Kaliningrad
XXIX Conference on sea coasts “CoastConf22” will be conducted on April 18-24 in Kaliningrad. As a part of the Conference, a Round Table on the topic of marine plastic pollution is planned on April 20. Atlantic Branch of the Institute of Oceanology named after P.P. Shirshov RAS harboring one of the leading “microplastic” groups in Russia, will act as a co-organizer of the Conference and the Round Table. Detailed information on the meeting is provided at the Conference’s website
The first Round Table on microplastics was held in September 2021 in Sevastopol, within the conference on the seas of Russia. It was called “Microplastics in the Environment: Problems, Tasks, Research by Russian Scientists”.
Such meetings are very important for scientists specializing in the study of microplastics in the environment, because they allow real-time discussion of new trends and form a trajectory for further research.