TSU Research Center "Microplastic Siberia" has launched a collaborative research with a team led by Dr. Gopala Krishna Darbha

   Identification of the polymers that make up microplastics is a critical issue in quantitative assessments of particle content in natural environments and living creatures. TSU Research Center “Microplastic Siberia” has launched a collaborative research with a team led by Dr. Gopala Krishna Darbha from Environmental Nanoscience Laboratory, IISER KOLKATA (India) – https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/web/en/#gsc.tab=0

   Research is focused on the identification of microplastics extracted from the gastrointestinal tract of Siberian fish using the Raman microspectroscopy and is funded by Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 22-27-00720). Together we will be able to determine the chemical composition of microscopic particles that are swallowed by fish in the rivers of Siberia.